Bathroom Fitters, Birmingham UK - SW Mills Ltd
Bathroom fitters based in Birmingham UK- SW Mills is a growing bathroom retailer in the UK with over 30 years in the business and have designed and built bathrooms in a wide range of styles across Birmingham, West Midlands. We make our bathrooms beautiful and offer a number of ranges exclusive to SW Mills, and work directly with our customers to make them affordable.
As bathroom fitters, SW Mills have clients ranging from Kings Norton to Solihull who are very happy to provide references for work we have done. SW Mills are building a gallery of works that will be available to view shortly on the website.
As design and build specialists, SW Mills Bathroom fitters can assist in every stage of your bathroom project and are very keen to meet to discuss your requirements. With us you get the style you require and we are confident that you will be happy with our service.
Our flexible, reliable delivery service is ready when you are.
Please contact owner Steve on his mobile at 07764 636467 or via our contact form to discuss your requirements.
SW Mills Bathroom fitters are looking forward to working with you.
What SW Mills offer: